Chocolates by Anna-Marie

Hand Crafted Small Batch Specialty Chocolates, made in Invermere, BC

Where to find our Chocolates

We currently don't have a retail storefront, however you can find our chocolates at:


At farmers and holiday markets in Golden, Invermere and Cranbrook


At selected retailers:

Price Increase Notice

We’re not sure if you’re aware, but the cost of cacao are skyrocketing, and as a result, we’ve been forced to increase our prices. 

Since 2022 we kept our product prices stable, however due to the rising cost of cocoa, the cost of our high-quality Belgium chocolate also increased. We want to notify you of the price increase starting October 2024. We appreciate your understanding and continued support during this time as this situation is beyond our control.

Chocolate News and Facts:

A failed crop in West Africa caused cocoa prices to surge from $2,500 to $4,000 per metric ton, significantly impacting the chocolate industry. For more information, you can read this article: A Failed Crop Rattled the Chocolate Industry. Then Speculators Came.

Climate patterns are partly to blame for rising costs. Cocoa is mostly produced in West Africa, Ghana and Ivory Coast with about 60% of the world’s crop. The El Niño weather event led to unseasonably high temperatures and changes to rainfall patterns that ravaged crops, causing a 50% decline in production.

Callebaut (Belgium Chocolate producer) increased chocolate prices on average 30%, resulting in a significant increase in the retail selling price of chocolate products worldwide. 

For more insights, visit: Trading Economics and Food Industry News for Today's Leaders - Food Industry Executive 

General inquiries 

Special occasion & corporate chocolate gifts are available on request. 

Anna-Marie - 

Chocolate feedback - Satisfied clients

"Heavenly delicious!"


 "I was in heaven today with your chocolates!"


"Decadent & luxurious chocolates"


"Fresh, locally made and unique - perfection"


"I have never tasted chocolates like these! Delicious! "
